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Dissolve (KS)

Dissolve (KS) is an effective formula to dissolve and facilitate the passage of kidney and bladder stones, relieve pain and promote normal urination.


Prior to purchasing this product, it is recommended to book a consultation with one of our acupuncturists in order to determine whether this herbal formula will be beneficial for you.


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Clinical Applications:

Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones)

Urolithiasis (bladder stones)

Painful urination with difficulty initiating or maintaining a good urinary stream; sudden stopping or blockage of urination with passage of a stone(s); lower abdominal pain

Renal colic characterized by excruciating, one-sided, intermittent pain in the flank area that spreads across the abdomen and to the genital area and inner thigh


TCM Functions: 

Dissolves stones

Treats dysuria due to shi lin (stone dysuria) 

Promotes normal urination

Relieves spasms and pain


Cautions and Contraindications

This formula is not suitable for stones that are too big to be passed. Surgical intervention may be the treatment of choice for acute pain associated with stones greater than 2.5 cm in diameter.

Patients with kidney infection or acute pain from the kidney stone should seek medical help immediately.

This formula is contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.

Dissolve (KS)

  • Chuan Lian Zi (Fructus Toosendan)

    Fu Ling (Poria)

    Hai Jin Sha (Spora Lygodii)

    Jin Qian Cao (Herba Lysimachiae)

    Shi Wei (Folium Pyrrosiae)

    Wei Ling Xian (Radix et Rhizoma Clematidis)

    Yan Hu Suo (Rhizoma Corydalis)

    Ze Xie (Rhizoma Alismatis)

    Zhi Qiao (Fructus Aurantii)

    Zhu Ling (Polyporus)

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